This week’s episode is for the birds, and no, it isn’t snowing at my house. I took this a year ago. I just like how the red Cardinals look against the snow.
Carol and I started our conversation with a Masha Moment. For those who don’t know, Masha is my Russian Blue kitten. Here’s what she looked like after she played in my seed packets. So innocent, but check out her eyes! Masha doesn’t get to play outside with the birds.
It’s been very warm in Indianapolis and Guthrie. Carol has crocuses everywhere. I had tornadoes. Crazy weather for February.
I posted an Instagram video about a well-built hummingbird feeder. Here is the link to the Kingsyard bird feeder Amazon store. My 20% off discount code is RedGarden20.
In the garden, I pricked out leeks and onion plants and transplanted them into my cold frames. I am in love with the Little Dibby gardening tools made by Sean and Allison McManus of Spoken Garden. Here’s Spoken Garden on Etsy if you’d like to try them.
We then discussed flowers for birds, including hummingbirds, and here’s my blog post, Ten plants to naturally attract hummingbirds to your Oklahoma yard - Red Dirt Ramblings®. Did you know birds can also be pollinators?
Keeping birds out of your berry shrubs was our veggie topic. We basically decided we will just plant more berry bushes for the birds so we can all have some. Here are Carol’s FH articles on how to grow strawberries and how to grow raspberries.
On our Bookshelf this week is Tiny + Wild: Build a Small-Scale Meadow Anywhere by Graham Laird Gardner (Amazon link.) We both liked it and will keep our copies.
For our dirt, we revisited whether nandina kills birds. What do you think?
Rabbit Holes:
We’re not going to talk about my rabbit hole because it had nothing to do with gardening. On the other hand, Carol found another Lost lady of garden writing, Jean Hersey
I want to grow potatoes in these containers this year. I think it will be easier to harvest new potatoes.
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Email us anytime at For more info on Carol and her books, visit her website. Visit her blog, May Dreams Gardens. For more info on Dee and her book, visit her website. Visit her blog Red Dirt Ramblings.
On Instagram: Carol: Indygardener, Dee: RedDirtRamblings, Our podcast: TheGardenangelists.
On Facebook: The Gardenangelists' Garden Club.
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Dee, I'll be interested to hear how you like the growbag with a trap door. I've grown potatoes in a 20 gallon growbag for the past two years and find it easy enough to dig out a few as needed. Be sure to report back! Maybe I should upgrade 😊