On this week’s episode, Carol began by counting the buds on her ‘Bartzella’ Itoh peony. I warned her about certain parables of eggs and chickens. We then discussed our tomato plants and how our seedlings aren’t as big as those in the nurseries.
“Comparison is the thief of joy,” said Theodore Roosevelt, and he was right. Our tomatoes will catch up to those big ones very soon.
Our garden updates were fairly extensive, especially mine. It was quite cold at Carol’s house. I’ve been busy because I’m in the middle of “go time” as she would say. I went to Lia’s Garden at Commonwealth and bought some plants including Ammi majus, A. visnaga, and Daucus carota. I also wrote a blog post about my love for my spring garden this year.
Carol then brought up Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm’ because her sister asked her about it. Ugh! That plant is the bane of my gardening existence.

Carol’s favorite this week was her Heirloom Gardening Bib Overalls sent to her by Duluth Trading Company. My favorite was my Insect Shield tights. A reminder, nymph tick season in Oklahoma has begun. If you want to save 15% on permethrin-bonded clothing, use my code DEENASHRDR. I also love my Vego garden beds.
Our flower this week was the peony. It’s the third time we’ve discussed this spring performer, but it’s a perennial favorite. See what I did there? If you want to listen to our other episodes from years past, here’s Peonies for Your Thoughts, and Peonies, Tomatoes, and the Chelsea Chop.
I also want to thank Natchez Glen House for sending me their peony collection. Listen to the podcast for more information about them and the two peonies I planted at my daughter, Megan’s house. Megan’s favorite flower is the peony.
Carol also talked Mrs. Edward Harding, a Lost Lady of Garden Writing who loved her peonies.
Then, there’s Carol's blog post about how she got peonies to bloom in July. I love this post.
Our veggie topic this week was the rose family, Rosaceae. I thought it would be fun. Tune in to this week’s episode to learn more about this varied and interesting plant family. This topic arose because I read An Apple is a Rose? in Smithsonian Gardens.
By the way, Carol wants to apologize for the quality of her sound recording. She had to move to a different room due to computer issues. She said she sounded like she was in a tunnel sometimes. I think she sounded fine.
The Herbalist’s Guide: How to Build and Use Your Own Apothecary, by Mary Colvin, RH (AHG) (Amazon Link) is on our bookshelf this week. We both got review copies. It’s a good reference.
For our dirt, we enjoyed Thirty Ways to Make Your Garden Look Older from Garden & Gun magazine. Do you want to make your garden look older? Mine already is, and creating that patina takes time.
I shared about my no-name apricot rose, and made an Instagram reel of it.
Carol suggested Kintsugi, the Japanese art of repair for my broken Guy Wolff pot, but it is far too gone.
We both want the new Le Fleur board game so here’s the Kickstarter campaign.
My rabbit hole concerns contacting Congress. Complete this form to encourage your congressperson to attend a hearing on May 2nd about Alpha-gal syndrome.
Carol read The Twyford Code by Janice Hallett (Amazon Link.) in her rabbit hole.
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For more info on Carol visit her website. Visit her blog, May Dreams Gardens.
For more info on Dee, visit her blog, Red Dirt Ramblings.
On Instagram: Carol: Indygardener, Dee: RedDirtRamblings.
Our podcast: TheGardenangelists.
On Facebook: The Gardenangelists' Garden Club.
On YouTube. All our episodes are now available to listen to on YouTube.