Hey Guys...I started stock seed the first of Feb.and today I planted a whole flat outside in a protected area along with my violas and pansies. My grandma Goldie loved stock, she was a wild and crazy lady who lived near where you are Carol. She loved stock because of the smell, she always said if it does not smell good then don't grow it. My mom also always had some in her gardens as well. Dee I wish I was closer because I would love to come help... It is so great that you are grateful for what survived and it will be interesting to see what rebounds from natures fury. Take care...you guys are the best.

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Hi Becky, I love that you grow stock because your grandmother did. I grow roses for the same reason. In fact, I'm probably a gardener because of my grandmother. I lost some trees, and I think I'll lost a few shrubs including a rose, but it could have been so much worse. I wish you lived closer too. It would be lovely to visit over a glass of iced tea.

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So very sorry about your disaster. As a 30 plus year gardening addict, I can imagine the heartbreak of losing your garden babies. Gardeners are survivors and you still have your home and family. I have lots of flowers, plus elderberry bushes, and rose of Sharon plus, plus. I’d be privileged to share with you. Love and prayers 🙇‍♀️❤️🧑🏻‍🌾

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Hi Jennifer, thank you! Guess what? Even though my elderberries were damaged by the fire, they still survive. In fact, many of the native shrubs went through the fire a bit damaged but still alive. I have so much left. I'm in good shape, but I truly appreciate your offer. Please keep praying for my neighbors. They lost so much more.

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Sorry you have had such a rough time, but you’re looking really cute❣️❣️

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