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Carol, Thank You for the comment and praise for my Common Spring Woodland Wildflowers in the Midwest: A Pocket Guide. You are correct in that for anyone interested in spring wildflowers, it is the book I wished I had had 45 years ago when we moved to our 3.3 acres in the Carmel/Westfield area and wanted to identify all the flowers I saw growing in our woods and those we saw while hiking in many states of the Midwest over many decades of vacations. Thanks to digital photography, I finally could achieve good photos that should make the flowers easy to identify with their foliage. I hope your great nieces and great nephews get out to the woods and hunt for those little beauties. There are new flowers that appear every 5-7 days. However, the Twin Leaf is only in bloom for about 24-48 hours depending upon the spring rains and winds! We found the motherload of Twin Leaf when we hiked Cali Nature Preserve near North Vernon on the Muscatatuck River. Anyway, I hope they get out of the house and go wildflower hunting this spring!!! More fun than just one day of Easter Egg hunts!! Thanks again for all your help pointing me in the right direction to get my book published!!

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