I am not! Could you please ask her to take a photo? This is very curious, but it might be the Master Gardener group out of Denton County. They use our podcast for learning credits. Or maybe we have listeners at Atwood’s. I just hope they aren’t suggesting something that I wouldn’t suggest. Lol

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Didn’t know how to attach a photo in Substack message. But the tag reads Guthrie Greenhouses.

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So sorry! My sister got it mixed up and she read “Ramblings” on the tag. At least she was thinking about y’all! It’s Red Dirt tags which I have seen before. Didn’t realize they were from Guthrie though.

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Hello Happy Gardening Ladies! I’m about to listen to this week’s podcast and my sister called me. She is at Atwoods in Gainesville, Texas and there are plants there that are tagged Red Dirt Rambling from Guthrie, Oklahoma. Dee, are you connected to these plants?

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